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Assigning SLAs to tickets
Written by Enrico Fuentes
Updated over a week ago

Track Service Level Agreements (SLAs) directly within Workia tickets.

This feature allows you to set, manage, and monitor SLA time targets, ensuring timely responses and resolutions for all your tickets. ⏰

Navigating to Ticket SLAs

To configure and add a new SLA, navigate to the Ticketing screen under My Workia. Locate the "+" button found on the upper right corner of the screen and select the "Manage SLA" button.

This will open the SLA configuration page where you can view and manage existing SLAs.

Adding a new SLA Configuration

To add a new SLA for your tickets. Click the "+" button to create a new SLA configuration.

Fill in the necessary fields:

  • Name: Enter a unique name for the SLA.

  • Display Name: Provide a user-friendly display name. This will be displayed as the label in the SLA ticket.

  • Hours: Set the time target in hours for ticket resolution.

πŸ’‘ You can use decimal numbers to provide a specific time. For example, 1.5 hours for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

  • Begin, Hold, Stop: Define the specific conditions for when the SLA time tracking begins, holds, and stops by Ticket Status.

  • Applied To: A drop-down option allows you to apply the SLA configuration either to all tickets or to specific ticket types. If you choose "Selected", a list of available ticket types will appear. Simply check the corresponding boxes for the ticket types to which you want to apply the configuration.

πŸ“˜ The "Begin," "Hold," "Stop," and "Applied To" sections are correlated to the ticket statuses and types you have created and managed. To learn more about this, please refer to this article on managing tickets and ticket types.

After filling in the required details and selecting the appropriate ticket types, click the "Save" button to apply the new SLA configuration.

Managing SLA Configuration

Once you have created an SLA configuration, you can see it listed on the SLA window.

Simply select an SLA to check the details of each configuration and make changes to it. be sure to click on "Save" to keep the changes that you have made. You can also toggle off an SLA when it is not needed by clicking on the toggle button.

SLA in Tickets

When an SLA is assigned to a ticket, it appears on the tickets list and the ticket details, providing visibility of SLA targets and their progress.

How do I track my SLA status?

To track the SLA in a ticket, an SLA field will appear on the ticket status. This includes the time remaining to meet the SLA and a description of it.

Hovering over the hourglass icon will show an overview of the SLA, indicating the time already spent and the remaining time to meet the SLA target. The completion criteria are also specified, detailing the conditions for SLA completion, such as transitioning the ticket status to "Closed."

Clicking on the hourglass icon will open the Status History window, where you can see the detailed history of each status change.

On the ticket list, the same hourglass icon allows you to select and view the Status History.

What are the different SLA statuses?

In Progress

When a ticket is created and the conditions are met to start the SLA, the countdown will begin, and you will see an hourglass icon.

At Risk

If the timer is near the deadline limit, an orange warning sign will appear, indicating that the SLA is at risk of being unmet.


If the SLA is met within the target time, it will be indicated as "Met" and a green check icon with the time remaining upon completion will appear on the SLA field in a ticket.


If the ticket is still ongoing and the SLA has gone overdue, it will appear with this status. The timer will continue to count until the target has been met.


When an overdue ticket is completed, it will change the status to Missed where it shows the time spent and the minutes that went past the deadline.

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