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AI Policy Query
Carlo Arazas avatar
Written by Carlo Arazas
Updated over 5 months ago

Say hello to hassle-free policy inquiries with Workia's AI Policy Query! πŸ”

To get started, slick on the AI Assistant button on the upper right of the page!

Simply type in the policy query in the chat box and let the AI Assistant do the work for you! The tool will find matches based on the documents that have been included from your company documents.

A list of relevant details regarding your query as well as links to the documents will be provided.

Adding/Removing Policies

To add a policy, head to company documents in the settings page.

Upload or create a policy using the "+" button!

To delete a policy, select "..." and click on Delete.
For policies to appear in searches using the AI Policy Query, you must include them from the company documents. Here's how:

On the company documents page, click on the "..." button beside the policy you want to be included. Next, select "Include in AI Policy Query" and you're good to go!

To remove a policy, simply select the "Remove from AI Policy Query" option.

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