The table below lists the locations that include AIRINC data in cost estimate calculations.
Algeria | Gabon | Myanmar | Sri Lanka |
Angola | Germany | Netherlands | Sweden |
Argentina | Ghana | New Zealand | Switzerland |
Australia | Greece | Nigeria | Taiwan |
Austria | Guatemala | Norway | Tanzania |
Azerbaijan | Guinea | Oman | Thailand |
Bahrain | Hong Kong | Pakistan | Trinidad and Tobago |
Bangladesh | Hungary | Panama | Tunisia |
Belgium | India | Papua New Guinea | Turkey |
Brazil | Indonesia | Peru | Ukraine |
Bulgaria | Iraq | Philippines | United Arab Emirates |
Canada | Ireland | Poland | United Kingdom |
Chile | Israel | Portugal | United States |
China | Italy | Puerto Rico | Uruguay |
Colombia | Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) | Qatar | Venezuela |
Costa Rica | Japan | Romania | Vietnam |
Croatia | Jordan | Russia | Zambia |
Czech Republic | Kazakhstan | Saudi Arabia |
Denmark | Kenya | Senegal |
Dominican Republic | Kuwait | Serbia |
Ecuador | Luxembourg | Singapore |
Egypt | Malaysia | Slovakia |
El Salvador | Mexico | Slovenia |
Equatorial Guinea | Mongolia | South Africa |
Finland | Morocco | South Korea |
France | Mozambique | Spain |
If the location you are looking for is not listed, please contact us via the help center (message icon bottom right in the app).
💡Note: Workia gets updates quarterly! We Include updates to tables in our release notes.