This article provides the general explanations, assumptions, and inputs for the cost estimate line items under the Long Term Assignment case type. The calculation data for allowances is provided to us by AIRINC and the tax calculations are provided by Equus.
Mobility Premium
The default value is based on 6% of the base salary of the employee. The percentage of base salary can be changed at either the individual cost estimate level or the cost estimate template level.
6% of base salary
Incentive payment of 6% of the employee’s base salary provided to them before the start of the move. It is intended to motivate the employee to accept the move.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: % salary
Cost of Living Allowance
This amount is determined based on the combination of origin and destination locations. The origin/destination combinations AIRINC deliver is based on client requests. It should cover the most frequently requested country combinations for international moves. But we realize it's not the full world and yes, there may be gaps. If you encounter a country combination that is not calculating COLA, let us know and we can request that AIRINC research these locations and see about getting the route list expanded.
The additional amount of money provided to offset cost differences in goods and services for the employee and accompanying family members in destination location.
The cost of living is calculated assuming that the employee will continue their existing spending habits in addition to moderate considerations for shopping adaptations based on the destination country. Shopping adaptations are taken into consideration for the following types of spend: Transportation, Domestic Help, Communication, Recreation & Entertainment and Food at Home.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Location, based on Family Size
Education Allowance
This amount varies based on the number of children going on the move. For the purposes of cost estimates school-aged children are determined based on the inputs here.
The cost of language lessons and/or tuition fees for international schooling in the destination location is based on the applicable accompanying family members.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Based on Family Size
Hardship Allowance
This amount is based on the destination location.
Incentive compensation is provided to the employee for destination locations where living conditions are particularly difficult because of harsh climate, political instability, physical risks, etc.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Destination City
Utility Allowance
This amount is based on the destination location as well as the job level of the employee. By default, the employee is assumed to be at the executive level but this can be changed to junior, mid-level, senior, or executive at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
Assumes executive level
The cost of utilities in location for the employee and accompanying family members. This assumes the employee has a job level of executive.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Job Level, destination city and, based on Family Size
Transportation Allowance
This amount is based on the destination location.
The incremental cost difference between the origin location and destination location for the employee to purchase a vehicle.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Home Leave Employee Reimbursement
This amount is based on origin and destination location combination as well as the airfare class. By default, the airfare class is assumed to be business but this can be changed to economy at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
Roundtrip business class airfare
The round-trip economy airfare costs to transport the employee to either the home location or an alternate location for the purpose of maintaining familial and business relationships and/or to obtain goods and services not available in the destination location.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Number of trips, Airfare class
Home Leave Family Reimbursement
This amount is based on the origin and destination location combination as well as the airfare class. By default, the airfare class is assumed to be business but this can be changed to economy at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
Roundtrip business class airfare * Family Size
The round-trip economy airfare costs to transport the accompanying family members to either the home location or an alternate location for the purpose of maintaining familial and business relationships and/or to obtain goods and services not available in the destination location.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Number of trips, Airfare class, based on Family Size (not editable input)
Housing Lease
This amount is based on the destination location as well as the job level of the employee. By default, the employee is assumed to be at the executive level but this can be changed to junior, mid-level, senior, or executive at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
The cost of rent in location for the employee and accompanying family members. This assumes the employee has a job level of executive.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Inputs: Job Level, Location, based on Family Size
Medical Insurance
This amount is based on the destination location and family size.
Rate * Family Size
The incremental cost to the employer for providing an international health insurance and dental plan. This is based on monthly costs in the origin location and varies by the accompanying family size.
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Spousal and Family Allowance
2,500 USD annually is provided to the employee when they have accompanying family members to help support their move to the destination country.
2,500 USD for Family Size > 1
Pro-Rate Based on Months
Tax Services
The costs for tax preparation and tax planning services through an outside tax provider. This is based on one annual amount in the destination location and does not vary by family size.
An additional 2000 USD to support additional filing requirements is added annually when the origin location is the United States.
Airfare Origin to Destination
This amount is based on the origin and destination location combination as well as the airfare class. By default, the airfare class is assumed to be business but this can be changed to economy at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
One-way business class ticket * Family Size
The costs for one-way economy airfare from the origin location to the destination location for the employee and accompanying family members. This includes 3 extra bags per person based on the origin location.
Inputs: Airfare Class, based on Family Size
Air Shipment Origin to Destination
The costs for shipping the employee's goods to the destination location via air shipment. Includes up to 500 lbs. of goods.
Household Good Shipments Origin to Destination
The costs for shipping the employee's goods to the destination location. This is based on surface shipment costs from the origin location to the destination location.
Accompanying Family size of 1 get a 20 foot container (6,000 pounds)
Accompanying family sizes of 2 or more get a 40 foot container (12,000 pounds)
Inputs: Container Size, 20ft or 40ft.
Excess Baggage Origin to Destination
Allows the selection of the amount of extra bags for the employee when traveling to the destination country.
Cultural Training
This is based on the destination location and does not vary by accompanying family size.
The costs for the services of a cultural consultant or an online course to familiarize the employee with the destination location’s social and business culture.
Language Training
The cost of 40 hours of language lessons for the employee.
Pre Move Trip
This amount is based on the origin and destination location combination as well as the airfare class. By default, the airfare class is assumed to be business but this can be changed to economy at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level. This also includes as well 7 days of hotel meals car rental and gas in destination location. Includes employee and 1 accompanying family member when applicable. The length of stay can be changed at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
Includes Round Trip economy airfare (based on Origin Country to Destination Country) hotel for 7 nights meals rental car and gas for 7 days (based on Destination City). Maximum family size is 2.
The costs for round-trip economy airfare are based on the origin location to the destination location as well
Inputs: Location, Length of Stay, Airfare Class
Temporary Living Origin to Destination
The length of stay can be changed at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
The costs in the destination location at the start of the move result from the employee and accompanying family members not being able to move into long-term housing immediately. This includes 14 days of hotel, meals, rental car and gas in the destination location.
Inputs: Location, Length of Stay
Destination Services
The costs for a destination services provider to assist the employee and accompanying family members with house hunting, school registration, community orientation, setting up bank accounts, etc.
Immigration Fees Employee
The costs for the employee’s passport, visa, work permit, physical exams, and necessary vaccinations.
Immigration costs are based on the destination location and pre-move medical exam costs are based on the origin location.
Immigration Fees-Family
The costs for the accompanying family member’s passport, visa, work permit, physical exams, and necessary vaccinations.
Immigration costs are based on the destination location and pre-move medical exam costs are based on the origin location.
Relocation Allowance Pre-Move
The default value is based on 10% of the base salary of the employee. The percentage of base salary can be changed at either the individual cost estimate level or the cost estimate template level.
10% of salary
A lump sum of 10% of the employee’s base salary to cover miscellaneous relocation expenses.
Inputs: % Salary
Airfare-Return to Origin
This amount is based on the origin and destination location combination as well as the airfare class. By default, the airfare class is assumed to be business but this can be changed to economy at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
The costs for one-way economy airfare from the destination location to the origin location for the employee and accompanying family members. This includes 3 extra bags per person based on the origin location.
Inputs: Airfare Class
Air Shipment-Return to Origin
The costs for shipping the employee's goods to the destination location via air shipment. Includes up to 500 pounds of goods.
Household Good Shipments Return to Origin
The costs for shipping the employee's goods back to the Origin location. This is based on surface shipment costs from the destination location to the origin location.
Accompanying Family size of 1 get a 20 foot container (6,000 pounds)
Accompanying family sizes of 2 or more get a 40 foot container (12,000 pounds)
Inputs: Container Size, 20ft or 40ft.
Excess Baggage Return to Origin
The cost of 3 extra bags for the employee when traveling to the origin country.
Temporary Living Return to Origin
The length of stay can be changed at the cost estimate level or cost estimate template level.
The costs in the origin location at the end of the move result from the employee and accompanying family members not being able to move into long-term housing immediately. This includes 14 days of hotel meals rental car and gas in the origin location.
Inputs: Location, Length of Stay
Relocation Allowance Return to Origin
The default value is based on 5% of the base salary of the employee. The percentage of base salary can be changed at either the individual cost estimate level or the cost estimate template level.
5% of Salary
A lump sum of 5% of the employee’s base salary to cover miscellaneous relocation expenses.
Inputs: % Salary
Relocation Fee
The cost of relocation services provided by a supplier.
Managed Services Fee
The cost of managed services provided by a supplier.
Miscellaneous (Non-Taxable) Costs
Users can manually input costs related to the move that are not subject to tax.
One-off non-taxable allowance
Miscellaneous (Taxable) Costs
Users can manually input costs related to the move that are subject to tax.
One-off taxable allowance