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Immigration Role
Written by Enrico Fuentes
Updated over a week ago

The Immigration Role is a user type in Workia designed for immigration resources responsible for managing and overseeing immigration-related processes within cases. This role is designed to provide focused access to information for handling immigration tasks,

Users with this role can view and interact with specific sections of the case details screen, enabling them to focus on their core responsibilities effectively.

📘This article provides an in-depth overview of the Immigration Role. If you need to learn how to change a user's role, check out this article for more information.

Assigning a case to an immigration user

For Administrator users only: After a user has been assigned to an immigration role, add the user under the Contacts section within the relevant case that you want them assigned.

When an immigration user is assigned to a case, they will see all their assigned cases on the My cases.

What can an immigration user do in a case?

Once inside a case record, an Immigration role user can see and interact with the following sections.

Case Summary (Read-Only)

This section provides an overview of the case. The information here is view-only to maintain data integrity.

General Information (Read-Only)

Immigration users can view all general information, but modifications are restricted.


Only the service card relevant to the Immigration Role is enabled and positioned at the top. All other service cards are disabled to keep the focus on immigration-related tasks.

Within a service card, an immigration user can change the status of the service, add an external contact, collaborate with the team members through comments, and upload documents.

Communications (Comments Only)

Immigration users can write comments in a case record but will be visible to anyone. Sending of emails is not allowed.

Employee (Comments Only)

This includes access to the employee's personal details, passport, and other pertinent information. Immigration users can only post a comment on a passport record.

Family Section (Read-Only)

Immigration users can view the employee’s family details, including marital status and family size, but cannot edit this information.

Compensation Section (Read-Only)

  • Annual Base Salary: Immigration users can view the annual base salary details. While they cannot edit this information, they can leave comments and upload relevant documents.

  • Allowance Tab: This tab is also view-only, with options for adding comments, uploading documents, and creating tickets from the associated record.

  • Payroll Tab: Similar to the Allowance tab, this is view-only with capabilities for commenting, document uploads, and ticketing.

Immigration (Editable)

Immigration users can manage and edit the immigration records to handle all immigration-related details and social security information.

Immigration users can also create a ticket by clicking on the add ticket icon. The tickets will appear on the associated record where the ticket was linked and created.

Within the drawer for the Immigration record, the user can also upload documents and leave comments for the associated records.

Organization Info - Cost Centers Tab (Read-Only)

Found under Organizational Info, this tab allows viewing of cost centers but restricts edits.

Checklist Section (Editable)

Tasks that are assigned to the Immigration user will be the only tasks displayed.

Tickets Section (Editable)

Only tickets assigned to the user will be visible and editable. Immigration users can edit the ticket title and description, change the ticket status, change the ticket type, change the tags, and set a due date.

Immigration users can also leave comments and attach documents.

To Do

The To Do tab lists all tasks assigned to the immigration user within checklists associated with their cases. Each task is clearly labeled with the case it belongs to, as well as its current status.

When an Immigration user clicks on a task, they can do the following:

  • Set a Priority: Mark the task as a priority by checking the flag, ensuring it stands out in their list.

  • Set a Due Date: Choose a specific date by which the task needs to be completed.

  • Set a Reminder: Schedule reminders to help notify the task owner.

  • Change the Progress: Update the task's progress status.

  • Add a Subtask: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. Then users can also mark them as complete when needed by clicking on the checkbox.

  • Comments: Provide additional details or updates in the comment section, with the ability to mention other users for collaboration and attach documents when needed.

Shared with me

The Shared with Me tab is where immigration users can access documents and files that have been specifically shared with them by other users. This tab centralizes all shared content, making it easy for users to locate and download important documents.

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